Building Effective Resilience for Human Security in the Caribbean


Project Goal: Enhanced Human Security, through Gender Equality and Women Economic Empowerment in a Resilient and Value‐Adding Agricultural (and Fisheries) Sector in the Caribbean

Participating UN Agencies: FAO, UN Women, UNDP, and ILO

This joint programme is built on the premise that there can be no improvement in human security in the Caribbean without addressing the issue of ‘lost opportunities’ and ‘foregone achievement’ that result from deep gender inequality and insufficient progress in the economic empowerment of women and marginalized youth. The joint programme focusses specifically on the agricultural sector (including fisheries) because of the significant role agriculture plays in Caribbean GDPs and food security. In addition, the agricultural sector is extremely vulnerable to disaster and climate change risk impact and is a sector where gender inequality is possibly most entrenched.

Through a combination of policy reform advocacy, technical support, and services, this joint programme aims to contribute to human security for farmers and small agro‐and fisheries business entrepreneurs - many of whom are women. Three categories of beneficiaries will benefit from the joint programme’s activities through direct households and community support in Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, and Saint Lucia for a duration of 3‐years. Small grant support will be offered for livelihoods development and will target approximately 2,500 farmers, fisherfolks and small‐business entrepreneurs with at least 50% women and 25% under 40 years, reaching 12,500 people. Pilot and demonstration activities in areas of disaster preparedness and mitigation, climate change adaptation and value chain development will be implemented in 50 community groups, reaching 30,000 people. Through the policy reform and institutional strengthening contribution of the joint programme, it will impact farming, fishing and agriculture fisheries sectors related small‐business activities throughout the 14 CARICOM countries, positively impacting their livelihoods.

Associated ministries and the national gender machineries and focal points will also become beneficiaries. Successes from the project will provide major impetuses for a broader recognition of the priorities of gender equality and women empowerment for enhanced resilience, stronger economic growth, a more inclusive society and strengthened and human security.

Outcome 1: Gender‐responsive and disaster risk resilient agricultural, fisheries and small business extension services, programmes, and techniques available and accessible to the most marginalised.
Outcome 2: Gender responsive social protection, insurance and financial products are available and accessible to marginalized and impoverished groups (specific emphasis will be placed on women headed households with high dependency ratios, women in agriculture (fisherfolk) and unemployed young men).
Outcome 3: Increased market access readiness and resilience for smallholder farmers and agriculture related small businesses.
Outcome 4: Community resilience is strengthened through advocacy and community engagement with farmers, fisherfolk and young people to engage in agriculture and the blue economy.
Outcome 5: Integration and mainstreaming of the Human Security Approach

UNDP is responsible for activities under Outcome 3 and will undertake a Gender-responsive Evaluation of Structural Adjustment Programmes and Relevant National Policies on Smallholder Farmers, Fisherfolk and Small Business Entrepreneurs in five Caribbean countries. This activity will also support the preparation of Advisory Notes focusing on proposed recommendations for adjustments to mitigate the negative impacts of these proposals, plans and policies, and also work with stakeholders in each country to develop and implement advocacy initiatives related to recommended policy changes.

Gender Responsive Evaluation of the Impact of Relevant National Policies on Small Holder Farmers, Fisherfolk and Small Business Entrepreneurs in Five Caribbean Islands


This Report presents the results of a gender-responsive evaluation of the Impact of Relevant National Policies on Small Holder Famers, Fisher folks and Small Business Entrepreneurs in five (5) Caribbean Islands: Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, and St. Lucia. It represents an important deliverable of a Consultancy entitled: Gender Responsive Evaluation of the Impact of Structural Adjustment Programmes and Relevant National Policies on Small Holder Famers, Fisherfolks and Small Business Entrepreneurs in five (5) Caribbean Islands. The Consultancy, in turn, is a critical component of the Project entitled: Building Effective Resilience for Human Security in the Caribbean Countries: The Imperative of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in a Strengthened Agriculture and related Agri/Fisheries Small Business Sector.

Gender Responsive Evaluation of the Impact of Structural Adjustment Programmes on Small Holder Farmers, Fisherfolk and Small Business Entrepreneurs in Five Caribbean Islands


This document presents the findings of a gender-responsive evaluation of the Impact of Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) - Policies, Proposals and Plans - on Small Holder Famers, Fisherfolk and Small Business Entrepreneurs in five (5) Caribbean Islands: Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, and St. Lucia. The Report represents an important deliverable of a Consultancy entitled: Gender Responsive Evaluation of the Impact of Structural Adjustment Programmes and relevant National Policies on Small Holder Famers, Fisherfolk and Small Business Entrepreneurs in five (5) Caribbean Islands. The Consultancy, in turn, is a critical component of the Project entitled: Building Effective Resilience for Human Security in the Caribbean Countries: The Imperative of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in a Strengthened Agriculture (and related Agri/Fisheries) Small Business Sector. 


As part of the gender-responsive study on the impact of structural adjustment programmes and policies on the agriculture sector in Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, and Saint Lucia, recommended Advocacy Initiatives were developed, focusing on the involvement of non-state actors in the agriculture sector. These initiatives zoomed in on issues such as: sex and age disaggregated data (SADD), gender-budgeting, nutrition, accessibility of productive resources and gender dimensions in value chain development. The document aims to identify initiatives and strategies which can be employed to tackle issues facing small and women farmers in the Eastern Caribbean.

Advisory Notes


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