Accelerator Lab Podcasts

UNDP Blue Economy Accelerator Lab's Blue Voice Podcast

Dip your toes in the Blue Economy Conversation with the first episode of Blue Voice - Shallow Swim. Join Nikola Simpson to get a better understanding of the Blue Economy in this first episode!  

Podcast Episode Two: Blue Innovation

The Blue Economy can be sustainably leveraged to help fisherfolk and this episode of BlueVoice delves deeper into the role of fishing communities and how fisherfolk and innovation can spark greater resilience.  

Podcast Episode Three: Blue For All

It is important that the Blue Economy is built on a foundation of inclusivity. In this episode of BlueVoice, our co - hosts and guests speak on the importance of including all voices such as those of women and girls and youth in the Blue Economy.

Podcast Episode 4: The Blue New Normal Under a COVID-19 Context

The pandemic has impacted all walks of life, even the #BlueEconomy. This podcast on the  Blue New Normal Under a COVID-19 Context explores alternative blue futures in a #postpandemic world