Human and Economic Assessment of Impact - Anguilla

Human and Economic Assessment of Impact - Anguilla

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Human and Economic Assessment of Impact - Anguilla

June 1, 2020

The report outlines a number of recommendations including: expanding the time frame for COVID-19 related unemployment benefits and covering the newly unemployed; providing liquidity for small firms with a Government guarantee scheme to backstop MSMEs through the crisis; expanding the School Feeding Programme to cover poor students in all schools and extend the benefit of EC $200 per month for each child; funding the short-run increase in expenditure using a temporary increase in the Interim Stabilisation Levy; establishing a shelter for women victims of gender-based violence, exploring partnerships with the tourism sector; implementing a permanent unemployment benefit fund, financed through a limited contribution increase by workers and employers to the Anguilla Social Security Board (ASSB); and amend the Anguilla Framework for Fiscal Sustainability and Development to account for the COVID-19 (and similar national crises), allowing for fiscal space and credit expansion.

Document Type
Regions and Countries